Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bash tips and tricks

For the uninitiated, bash is the default shell in many Linux distros, including Fedora, Ubuntu, Redhat etc etc. If you use a Linux based OS, then chances are that you are using bash. For this reason, I outline a few common annoyances, and the simple ways to overcome them.

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WordPress Themes & Web Security

WordPress is growing quickly - both as a hosted platform and also via standalone blog installations. The rapid growth and its open, flexible approach to blog design, means it may become a target for hackers who embed malicious code within themes they distribute.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Drupal Wins Overall 2007 Open Source CMS Award

After three intense months of voting, Packt Publishing can today announce that Drupal has won the Overall 2007 Open Source CMS Award. With 18,000 votes on Packt’s website, coupled with the expert opinions from a panel of judges, Drupal succeeds Joomla! as the overall winner and receives a cheque for $5,000.

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Protecting Your PHP/MySQL Applications from SQL Injection

SQL injection is a serious concern for webmasters, as an experienced attacker can use this hacking technique to gain access to sensitive data and/or potentially cripple your database. Are you safe?

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Google Reveals "Open Social": APIs to Create Aps for Any Social Network

Details emerged today on Google’s broad social networking ambitions. The new project, called OpenSocial, goes well beyond what we’ve previously reported. It is a set of common APIs that application developers can use to create applications for any social network.

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Drupal Wins Overall 2007 Open Source CMS Award

After three intense months of voting, Packt Publishing can today announce that Drupal has won the Overall 2007 Open Source CMS Award. With 18,000 votes on Packt’s website, coupled with the expert opinions from a panel of judges, Drupal succeeds Joomla! as the overall winner and receives a cheque for $5,000.

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