Thursday, May 31, 2007

PHP 6 sneak peak

While most web hosts are still in the PHP 4 era, the PHP developers are already planning and working on PHP 6. Lets have a look at what's been keeping them busy.

Read full article at Jeroen van der Meer's website

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Three State Solution

How often do we ignore these states as a web developer...

Extract from an excellent book "Getting Real" by 37Signals

Useful plugins for RoR

Few useful plugins for RoR

FileColumn: A plugin by Sebastian Kanthak to handle file upload functionality. Contains view helpers. Allows to implement file upload easily.
To install:
$ ruby script/plugin install

Client Side Validation: Validation Reflection plugin

Streamlined is a framework, on top of Rails, that allows you to quickly generate interfaces for your ActiveRecord models. It started as a way to generate Administrative backends, but has become more general purpose over time.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The future of web application

Where do you think the future of the web application lies in ??

a. Ruby On Rails
b. Flex
c. Java
e. Flash/ActionScript
f. PHP